Similar to previous year, members of our Teaching and Learning (T&L) Unit including Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang, Dr. Rebecca K.Y. Lee and Dr. Florence M.K. Tang participated in the Teaching and Learning Innovation EXPO 2014 (EXPO 2014) jointly organized by the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) and the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) on 15 December 2014. At the EXPO 2014, our teaching members shared with other participants their teaching and learning experiences and strategies, as well as the outcomes of their pedagogical innovations. Dr. Rebecca K.Y. Lee and Dr. Florence M.K. Tang received poster awards for their presentations entitled “Creating an Online Question Bank to Promote Peer Learning Using the CU eLearning System” and “The Development of Blended Learning with iOS Mobile Application in Teaching of Histology” respectively during the event.
Through participating in this annual activity and the continuous efforts paid in the development of innovative courseware, it is hoped that our T&L Unit can further promote the good practices for the advancement of teaching quality and enhancement of student learning within the School.
Authors / Speakers | Poster or Oral Presentation Title (Award Received) |
Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang1, Dr. Florence M.K. Tang1, Prof. Michael S.C. Tam1, Prof. Yao Xiao-qiang1, Dr. Jin Yan3, Mr. Ray M.F. Lee4 |
Poster Presentation: “Advanced Virtual 3D Leap-Motioned Lung for Understanding Human Lung Function” |
Dr. Rebecca Lee1, Ms. Prinpom C.W. Lau4, Ms. Daisy M.H. Chen4, Prof. Paul L.C. Lam5 |
Poster and oral presentations: “Creating an Online Question Bank to Promote Peer Learning Using the CU eLearning System” (Poster Award) |
Dr. Florence M.K. Tang1, Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee1, Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang1, Prof. Paul L.C. Lam5, Mr. Ray M.F. Lee4, Ms. Maggie W.C. Wong4, Ms. Olivia M.Y. Ngan2 |
Poster Presentation: “The Development of Blended Learning with iOS Mobile Application in Teaching of Histology” (Poster Award) |
Dr. Florence M.K. Tang1, Ms. Olivia M.Y. Ngan2, Dr. Jin Yan3, Mr. Alex L.K. Yung3, Mr. Joseph Y.C. Leung3, Ms. Daisy M.H. Chen4, Ms. Judy T.S. Lo4, Ms. Prinpom C.W. Lau4, Ms. Eva S.L. Cheung4 |
Poster and oral presentations: “The Development of Teaching Courseware for Blended Learning in Anatomy: A Pilot Study” |
1School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
2The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
3Teaching and Learning Resource Centre, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK
4Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC), CUHK
5Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR), CUHK
Dr. Isabel S.S. Hwang (1st from left) and Dr. Florence M.K. Tang (1st right)
Dr. Rebecca K.Y. Lee (2nd from left)