Led by Dr. Constance H.Y. Chan, Director of Health, a delegation from the Department of Health, HKSAR Government visited the School of Biomedical Sciences on 11 March 2013. Warmly greeted by Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee, Managing Director, Core Laboratories of our School and his team members, the delegation was guided to tour the different core laboratories, animal holding core and other cell culture facilities available at the Lo Kwee-Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building.
We take pride in showcasing our state-of-the-art facilities to the representatives from the Department of Health. Through sharing our experience in planning and managing the core facilities in the School as well as the experience in applying advanced equipment in research, we hope that we can contribute to the medical sector and the society in the long run.
Group photo taken between our School members and the Department of Health delegation
The delegates from the Health Department visit the animal holding core of our School
The delegates from the Health Department visit the core laboratories of our School
Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee (left) briefs the delegates the design and operation of core laboratories at our School
Prof. Kenneth K.H. Lee (front, right) leads Dr. Constance Chan (front, left) and Department of Health delegates to visit the facilities at the Lo-Kwee Seong Integrated Biomedical Sciences Building