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Visit of University of Edinburgh, UK
23 Mar 2023

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Leaders and students of the Martin Lee Doctoral Scholarship Programme in Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh (UoE), including Dr. Marieke Hoeve and Prof. Kei Kaji, Director and Deputy Director of the said Programme, paid a visit to the School of Biomedical Sciences (SBS) on 23 March 2023, aiming to take part in an exchange activity between the RPg students of both institutions and to explore research collaboration opportunities.


Prof. Andrew M. Chan, Director of SBS and Dr. Marieke Hoeve first delivered opening remarks in the opening ceremony. A total of 14 research postgraduate students from UoE and SBS presented their research studies and insights. During the visit, the visitors were also guided to tour the Core laboratories at the School. A meeting with Principal Investigators of SBS and the visitors were also held to enhance mutual understanding of research projects.


This visit provided an excellent opportunity for our School and UoE members to explore potential research collaborations and exchange opportunities of PhD students.

Group photo of the ceremony: (from left, 1st row) Prof. Andrew Chan, Dr. Marieke Hoeve, Prof. Kei Kaji, Dr. Abdenour Soufi, Prof. Woody W.Y. Chan, Prof. Stephen K.W. Tsui, and Prof. Hector S.O. Chan

Prof. Andrew Chan delivers souvenir to Dr. Marieke Hoeve

Snapshots taken at the student presentations




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